September 4th, 2000
- Yes, the campaign is STILL going on! Mandi took over updates for the time being, and is trying to get caught up. (I know, I have the Low-Tech Tribute to worry about, too... if anyone is interested in maintaining this site, let me know.
- Our next mail drop is September 22nd, an "anniversary" mailing.
- N&A recently premiered in Australia; this week's ep is "The Insurance Man Always Rings Twice."
- Updated news info, addresses and added some articles.
June 13th, 2000
- Our new press release is up, with details about June 17th's egg drop!
- Updated the campaign page.
- Go here and here for egg postcards to print out and send to CBS if you can't find fake eggs!
June 7th, 2000
June 6th, 2000
Don't forget to send your postcards today!
- Added addresses for Paramount (which produces "Now and Again" and media outlets to the "Where to Write" page.
June 3rd, 2000
- Fixed the ZIP code for Les Moonves on the "Where to Write" page.
- Rearranged the Press page with the press release for the June 6th postcard campaign, and a better scan of the ad that appeared in the Hollywood Reporter.
- Added info about the June 6th postcard campaign to the campaign page.
June 1st, 2000
- Added links to the ad that apeared in the Hollywood Reporter to the campaign and press pages.
- Added preliminary info about our plan to send as many postcards as possible requesting the return of "Now and Again" to Les Moonves on the campaign page.
- Added this updates page.
- Added an e-mail address for the campaign spokesperson to the contact page.